Online Education Presenter: Alice Ruhnke

Alice Ruhnke

Alice Ruhnke |, Inc. President

Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, Alice knows what it takes to get funded. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds.

Alice's expertise spans a wide range but for her webinars she likes to focus on:

  • Capacity Building
  • Federal Grants
  • Proposal Writing
  • Logic Models

Live Webinars

Alice Ruhnke
proposals image
Crafting compelling grant proposals is a critical challenge you face in the nonprofit sector, especially when your mission is to s…
Alice Ruhnke
financial institutions
Financial institutions play a pivotal role in local economic development and are often keen on supporting initiatives that align w…
Alice Ruhnke
advanced AI image
This workshop is part of a series: Enhance Your AI Expertise. As grantseekers, it's vital to streamline the grantwriting process a…

Recorded Webinars

Alice Ruhnke
AI tools can significantly enhance your organization's efficiency, productivity, and capacity to achieve its goals. Their…
Alice Ruhnke
AI grant reviewer
Imagine getting feedback from a grant reviewer before you submit your proposal.  With the right feedback and advice, you’d…
Alice Ruhnke
AI image
Writing effective proposals requires excellent editing skills. Editing can improve clarity and persuasiveness and help…


Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.

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This is the second webinar I’ve taken from Alice-and I have to say that I find hers to be the most relevant and informative that I've seen.

-Pamm Larry
Director BC Local Food Network

This session was chock full of great information. Alice had real-world experience that made this session all that much more valuable. Can't wait to receive the session content so I can get to work.

-Joanne Paris Jones

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