Big Picture Thinking

by Cynthia M. Adams, CEO,

Developing a vision, engaging the staff and board of directors, creating a plan, identifying the appropriate grantmaker, and writing a proposal are all a lot of work, and each step takes time.

Unfortunately, it is common to “waste” time by starting, and then stopping, a project because you realize you don't have a clear vision. It is not out of the ordinary to start applying for a grant and then abruptly stop because it becomes apparent that your project isn't well conceived (at least, not yet!).

Having a vision is critical when seeking grant funding. This vision has to be yours. You must internalize it and be able to articulate it at any time. Sometimes your vision for the organization changes minutely, as what you are doing or attempting to accomplish becomes clear. Alternately, your vision may change dramatically due to external forces.

So, how do you find the time to even think about the vision for your organization, much less tap into those minute changes?

Start by getting out of the office – set aside some time to think. Schedule a daily “walk” if...

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