Articles by Sid Davis

In federal district court in Northern California a lawsuit has been filed that many in the philanthropy industry are following carefully.

In just the last several years the term “artificial intelligence” has become part of our cultural lexicon, a fact indicative not only of the rate of development of AI systems, but the extent to…

TrendTrack specializes in publishing detailed looks at specific aspects of the charitable giving sector, but in writing articles we contributors often come across curious or interesting data that…

Here's a quote that may sound familiar to grantseekers out there: “The process of getting funded was harder than I ever thought it would be.”

For an assortment of reasons, people in advanced economies are moving away from the use of physical currency in daily life.

In recent years, analyses of the U.S. charitable giving sector have highlighted the decline of low and middle income donors, and the concurrent rise of high income donors, a trend that mirrors the…

On the last day of September the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which was instrumental in purchasing and preserving parks, national forests, wildlife refuges, and monuments across the…

Ask any visual artist, writer, or musician what the hardest part of their job is and most will tell you that simply generating an income sufficient to allow a full-time focus on art is the…

The old saying goes that knowledge is power. But before knowledge exists, its creation is power. Not long ago very few non-Asian Americans knew that Japanese Americans were imprisoned in internment camps during World War II.
When workers abroad send part of their earnings to family back in their home countries, these transfers are known as remittances. Payments of this type have been growing rapidly in recent years, and are immensely important not only to the people who
Community engagement is seemingly everywhere these days. It's increasingly important in the corporate, political, academic, and philanthropic realms. Community, in this context, is sometimes defined by geographic contiguousness, but often it can
Coming from humble beginnings often prefaces the stories of highly successful people, but few rags to riches tales begin in more meager circumstances than those of Sarah Breedlove.